Michishige Sayumi Digital Photobooks July & August

WARNING! This post may cause raised blood pressure, paplitations and loss of bodily fluids!

So it turns out Sigh Yummy was the H!P digital pb member for both July and August. Well I have been busy and I’m a bad wota as I hadn’t been keeping up with the digital pb’s at all. Anyway I’m up now. Err…I mean up to date now. >.> So here are some pictures of the sexiest, cutest and funniest idol Hello! Project has.*

002 005 010 013 016 005 006 009 014 015 018 011 012 013 014 016 002 003 005 008 010 011 013 003 011 013 014 019 001 004 008 012 004 007 018 019 002 003 004 006 007 008 021 024 025

I think I must have found religion when looking through these pics. I just kept saying to myself “Jesus.” “Jesus.” “JESUS CHRIST.” “Oh Jesus.” “OHHHH!” Well okay maybe that’s the wrong religion. After all I was looking at a Goddess of the Latter Day Church of Idols. ♥ ♥

*Who isn’t called “Nakajima Saki”.

11 responses to “Michishige Sayumi Digital Photobooks July & August

  1. Sayumin is so beautiful. ♥ I like digital PBs. After looking at the physical PB for so long, it’s refreshing to see pics that are almost the same but with a slightly different pose or angle.

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  4. Fabulous sayumi….cant imagine the hard work of Photographer and the stunning natural beauty of Sayumi and the main roll of the creator of the Sayumi how he create her ,,,can we imagine how the creator would be beautiful…..Bugish Boola

  5. Pingback: ganpukudou: Michishige Sayumi Digital Photobooks July &…-美图控·

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